Azure Active Directory identity technical briefing
On 12th April 2017 I held a free technical briefing on Azure Active Directory, I had a considerable number of requests for it to be recorded. So a shook the piggy bank and out and came enough coins to record the two videos below. If you find them useful please send me a tweet and let me know
Azure Active Directory Identity Technical Briefing - Parts 1 & 2
In this two part event John Craddock will show you how to create identity solutions using Azure Active Directory.
In Part 1 you will learn how to build identity and authentication solutions for your users, this provides a mechanism to authenticate to applications and services regardless of where they are located – Authentication without boundaries!
In Part 2 you will learn how to assign applications to your users. You will also discover how to publish applications to the Internet and enable applications to be accessed by consumers (B2C) and business partners (B2B).